Are you considering buying a property with a friend, family member or romantic partner? This can be a great way of financing what might otherwise be an unaffordable step onto the property ladder.
But there are risks. What you may not realise is that cohabitees and unmarried joint owners do not share the same rights as couples who are married, regardless of the period of time that they have cohabited or jointly owned the property. It is therefore vital that you put the correct legal documents in place to protect yourself should the worst happen and you decide to part ways.
At Star Legal we can help protect you from an acrimonious dispute by drafting a deed of trust before you complete your purchase. If you find yourself in a situation where problems have already arisen, we can work with you to resolve them. We will assess your circumstances and seek a cost-effective and amicable solution with reference to the Trusts of Land and Appointment Trustees’ Act 1996 (TOLATA). If, as a last resort, litigation is necessary, we will bring or defend court proceedings to secure a final resolution for you.
If you are looking to cohabit, or facing a cohabitation dispute, talk to us about putting in place a deed of trust today.